
Thursday, February 11, 2010

Blog #1: I'm your biggest fan I'll follow you until you love me

Part A: The term paparazzi has been around for quite some time. The role of the paparazzi has changed a lot over this time period. Modern day paparazzi take photos of famous people in hopes that it will be worth a rather large sum of money. Their job is to provide pictures of the public's favourite celebrities in order to satisfy our strange obsession with knowing everything about the rich and the famous. They goes as far as to follow our favourite celebrities around, chase them through traffic and sit around outside their houses, waiting to catch a glimpse of them before taking as many photos as they can in hopes of catching a good shot. The paparazzi have become a large part in how we obtain and form our opinions on certain information.

Paparazzi photos can either make or break a celebrity. Our society's opinions can be swayed by the photos that they capture, even if we don't know the whole story behind it. Even though a celebrity might be made out to be a bad person, that isn't always a bad thing. This earns them the publicity they want and need in order to stay in the spotlight. Sometimes celebs do things on purpose that they know will be caught by the paparazzi, earning them the attention that they want. It's just like the paparazzi's relationship with Britney Spears. The pictures taken of her recently could make her out to be crazy and even though some people would look at that as a bad thing, it doesn't stop them from wanting to know more. In fact, it does just the opposite. People suddenly want to know more and that keeps her in the spotlight even though her music career isn't as great as it used to be.

Our need to know about the rich and the famous seems never ending. There is always something we want to know - who's dating who, who isn't getting along and what's going on with this person. I think the technology available to us has a large part to do with this. We can get information so quickly and so easily, why shouldn't we search who Miley Cyrus is dating or what Briney Spears did on the weekend? There is also that element of wanting to live life through someone else. Many of these celebrities have more money and opportunities than we could ever hope to have. By knowing all of this information about certain celebrities it makes our own lives seem a little less dull.

Our society also seems to have a fascination with a good celebrity train wreck, especially when it's followed by a comeback. I think this might cause some to look negatively on our society. It might make us seem nosey and demanding. But I think it's all a matter of being curious, it's human nature to want to know about things you've never personally experienced.

I feel that celebrities like having the paparazzi around. They may be a pain but overall they are famous because of the paparazzi. Without them the celebrities wouldn't have nearly as much exposure and people all around the world wouldn't know who they are. It's obvious that a lot of celebs use the paparazzi to their advantage, despite their complaints about the photographers.

And if the stars really needed to, I suppose they could do something like that to escape the paparazzi.

Part B: The way I became a celebrity wasn't from any particular talent of mine. I can't sing, play an instrument or act. I was pulled into the spotlight due to a relationship with Kevin Jonas. We met while they stopped during a tour in Toronto. The relationship was kept secret for a while, but with all the paparazzi we started getting caught together and soon enough the media put two and two together. The relationship didn't last too long when he started crushing on the woman who is now his wife while we were still "together". I didn't cause a scene, though, I just wanted to end it without making it into a huge deal.

After the split I found myself becoming friends with a fellow Jonas ex, Taylor Swift. We became rather close and we hang out quite often. I've basically become famous for being Kevin Jonas's ex and Taylor Swift's best friend. Although I suppose it's not the worst way to become famous.

My life is suddenly a lot more hectic then it once was. Although the paparazzi who I encounter on my own aren't nearly as bad as when I'm with Taylor. My relationship with the photographers is pretty decent. Sometimes they go too far in trying to get embarrassing pictures of me, but without them I wouldn't be nearly as famous as I am. Without them I could have just vanished without a trace after breaking up with Kevin, but instead, they catch me constantly in photos which gives me exposure I need to remain in the public eye.