
Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Blog #8: Write it, cut it, paste it, save it. Load it, check it, quick - re write it.

At first, creating a music video seemed like it would be a whole lot of fun, and it was. I just didn't realize all of the work that would have to go into it to make sure that everything looked the way it should. It took a lot of time and effort to make sure that the timing was correct and everything was synced to the music the way I wanted it to be.

I managed to get some really good video footage and finding pictures usually wasn't too difficult. My biggest issue came with putting everything to the correct timing of the music. I used movie maker to put it all together and I would do small sections at a time. When I was sure that portion was synced I would go to the next one. However, when I would go back to the beginning I found a lot of it was out of sync. When I went back to check it again it would be in sync, but every time I started it from the beginning it would change again. This caused some problems for me.

Just a few problems *insert sarcasm here*

Another problem was that in the live footage, the singer sang at a different pace than the recording of the song. The timing wasn't too far off though, so that wasn't as bad.

However, the pictures and the other video footage that I used ended up working out really well. I was really happy with the way it turned out overall, despite the small timing issue. Next time I might give myself a little more time to create the actual music video.

Here's a look at my finished project:

While at Much Music I got to see a lot of behind the scenes things that I didn't realized happened during a live show. I was surprise at how small the actual studio was, it looks so different on television than when you're actually there. It surprised me how they rehearsed things before they did them live on tv as opposed to just going on with it.

I was also surprised that the producers of the show were so heavily involved. They told us when to applaud and when to cheer and encouraged us to always look happy and excited. They also stood right behind the camera to direct how things should be going and when certain discussions should be wrapped up and what should be addressed next.

That fits right in with the idea that all media is a construction. It's all made to look a certain way to the audience viewing it. The producers of the media have a message that they want to convey and they do so all of the time, even when you don't realize it. The media is produced for an audience and that's something that's always kept in mind. That is why things have to look a certain way, they want it to look good to the audience.

Speaking of good looking...

This changes the way I view live tv. I didn't think so much would go into making sure it looked a certain way. Also, I didn't realize they would run through things first in order to make it look a certain way when the show is actually live. It sort of takes away from the whole idea of a live television show.

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